About us

About Us

Who am I ?

My name is Gaurang and I'm a technology geek.I like knowing and sharing my knowledge with others. Which is why I came up with an idea of creating a blog which will help me in doing stuffs i like and also earn some money for my studies.
Yes, I'm a student and I study mechanical engineering and this is the only way of earning for me.
If you like my article then please help me grow.You can help me improve my blog by following me,sharing my articles on social media, commenting. I'm a human and humans are always connected to mistakes so do I, sometimes I may share some wrong thing by mistake,I want you to help me by informing it
Thank you

What is this Blog About?

I created this blog with an aim to share my knowledge with people.This blog posts and shares article related to technology,gadgets, smart phone, laptops, tablets, smart watches, cameras, other gadgets, gaming news and updates, robots etc.

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